Technically I left my stickers, but that wouldn’t have made a good pun. And even more technically, I left my headphones in Mammoth Lakes, and I was keeping the stickers in the case.
So the title should be
I left my expensive headphones in a ski resort and only realised the day before flying back to Melbourne, so I had to buy a new pair for the flight, and pay to get my ‘old’ ones shipped back.
But enough about my ineptitude, this post is actually about my thoughts, musings, opinions and tips I picked up from some of the talks from Rstudio::conf 2020
JJ Allaire kicked things off by announcing Rstudio is now a Public B Corporation
RStudio needs to be uncompromisingly run for the benefit of all stakeholders, including employees, customers, and the community at large. Additionally, RStudio needs to earn the trust of its users, not just through its actions, but also its formal corporate charter
This is a big deal.
Jenny Bryan’s keynote is a good lesson / reminder to all on best practices for debugging. And I would like to emphasise, if you are going to ask for help on someone’s github page or StackOverflow, follow these steps
Now it’s time to ask for help
Fernanda Viegas and Martin Wattenberg gave an interesting talk on the work they’ve been doing on Google’s PAIR (people + AI) initiative, and specifically their What If tool, which looks useful for asking questions like ‘what if I changed this parameter’, or ‘what if I asked the question in a slightly different way’. The tool gives useful visuals and insight for these types of scenario modelling questions.
What also stood out for me was the U-MAP visualisation
Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) is a dimension reduction technique that can be used for visualisation similarly to t-SNE, but also for general non-linear dimension reduction.
Which seems like a nice way of viewing high-dimensional data. Here’s a video on Visualising High-Dimensional Space which summarises the concept.
Because of point 4, I’m very much a point 1 person!
Fortunately Joe Cheng is adding easier styling to Shiny through Sass and bootstrap 4
So now styling your shiny is made even simpler
Which means I can now legitimately become a point 4 person!
And I’m also very excited about the experimental realtime preview
Paige Bailey introduced me to EfficientNet, which
achieve much better accuracy and efficiency than previous ConvNets
At Symbolix we’ve used CNNs a lot, so this will be very useful.
Some of the features I’m keen to use
Realtime spellcheck
Global Replace
Rstudio on iPad
Configurable templates
Athos Damiani demonstrated his wavesurfer
package, which is exciting because you can interact with spectograms, including selecting sections of sounds you want to play and annotating them.